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- 80% of St. Louis County homes built by 1950 have racial covenants, researcher finds, St. Louis Public Radio (January 2022)
- Racial covenants, a relic of the past, are still on the books across the country, NPR All Things Considered (November 2021)
- St. Louis homeowners want to get rid of racial covenants. But in Missouri, it’s complicated, St. Louis Public Radio (November 2021)
- 30,000 St. Louis properties have racial covenants in their deeds. Your home could be one, St. Louis Public Radio
- Pernicious Effects of Racially Restrictive Housing Covenants Still Felt Today, St Louis on the Air, May 2021.
- How City and School District Boundaries Separate St. Louisans, St. Louis on the Air, October 2019
- The Doll Houses of St. Louis, 99 Percent Invisible (Podcast), December 2017
- How Legacies of Urban Racial Segregation Shape Today’s Controversies over Police Killings of Black People, Scholars Strategy Network (October 2016)
- Ferguson’s legacy: for blacks, empowerment amid sense of injustice, Christian Science Monitor (August 2015)
- Ferguson Did Not Happen in a Vacuum, Chronicle of Higher Education, January 2015
- A legacy of segregation in St. Louis, Ferguson, Al Jazeera America (December 2014)
- Ferguson Before Ferguson, Columbia Journalism Review (December 2014)
- The Death of Michael Brown: Racial History Behind the Ferguson Protests, New York Times (August 2014)
- Tracey Meares, Ferguson’s Schools Are Just as Troubling as Its Police Force, New Republic (August 2014)
- The Racist Housing Policies That Helped Fuel the Anger In Ferguson, ThinkProgress (August 2014)
- A Map to The Roots Of Ferguson’s Civic Unrest, All Things Considered (NPR), August 2014