Restrictions are listed in chronological order. Parcel addresses are approximate, given changes in lot boundaries since the restrictions were filed. “#” indicates the number of parcels covered by each restriction. Click on the “restriction” link to open a PDF of the original document.
Record # | Date | Location | # | Restriction (click for original document) |
DB 128-169 | 8/20/1921 | 219 East Harrison, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian race… |
DB 128-549 | 5/12/1923 | 309 East Harrison, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian race… |
DB 128-440 | 8/28/1924 | University Heights (subdivision) | 129 | sole use and benefit of the Caucasian Race |
DB 128-606 | 12/24/1925 | University Heights 2 (subdivision) | 89 | sole use and benefit of the Caucasian Race |
PB 3-140 | 4/12/1926 | University Heights 3 (subdivision) | 23 | sole use and benefit of the Caucasian Race |
DB 142-136 | 10/29/1926 | 922 E College, Iowa City | 1 | anyone not of the Caucasian race . . . |
DB 146-62 | 4/5/1927 | 1818 N Dubuque, Iowa City | 1 | any sale . . . to Jews or colored people |
DB 145-178 | 4/26/1927 | 1119 1st Avenue, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian race |
DB 151-132 | 8/14/1929 | 2217 H Street, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 154-81 | 6/25/1932 | 1112 2nd Avenue, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 175-54 | 7/8/1932 | 1127 3rd Avenue, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 160-473 | 7/14/1932 | 1831 G Street Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 160-321 | 7/22/1933 | 1017 1st Avenue, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 154-196 | 3/2/1934 | 2221 H Street, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 160-173 | 7/24/1934 | Cottage Reserve (subdivision) | 86 | sole use and benefit of the Caucasian Race |
DB 154-399 | 11/14/1934 | 719 4th Avenue, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 159-535 | 8/15/1936 | 2216 F Street, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 175-142 | 9/15/1936 | 2006 H Street, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 162-491 | 5/26/1938 | 1117, 1st Avenue, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 164-19 | 8/23/1938 | 733 4th Street, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 164-32 | 10/20/1938 | 2220 H Street, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 155-480 | 11/23/1938 | Capitol View (subdivision | 12 | Gentile people of the Caucasian Race |
DB 175-78 | 2/4/1939 | 729 4th Avenue, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 159-56 | 4/28/1939 | 2219 H Street, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 164-348 | 6/7/1939 | 1900 Muscatine, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 159-389 | 8/27/1940 | CR Regan (subdivision) | 61 | members of the Caucasian race only |
DB 172-315 | 8/30/1940 | 416 5th Avenue, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 159-472 | 2/25/1941 | Kirkwood Circle (subdivision) | 9 | use by members of the Caucasian race only |
DB 172-601 | 4/10/1941 | Lyon’s Addition (subdivision) | 81 | use by members of the Caucasian race only |
DB 174-193 | 7/1/1941 | Ruppert and Mattes (subdivision) | 9 | use by members of the Caucasian race only |
DB 181-262 | 6/15/1945 | 2218 H Street, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 187-107 | 6/15/1945 | 2117 Muscatine, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |
DB 195-174 | 8/30/1947 | College Court (subdivision) | 30 | solely by the Caucasian race |
DB 193-343 | 12/29/1947 | 715 5th Avenue, Iowa City | 1 | other than the Caucasian Race |