
Bryant Theatre

Bryant Theatre

138 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036


Midtown, part of Manhattan’s primary entertainment district, had several large movie palaces, such as the Bryant Theatre on Forty-Second Street.


The Midtown Entertainment District


Much of the pop music Debbie Harry and Patti Smith listened to as adolescents was a product of record companies and song publishers that were located in the midtown area. The music industry was concentrated around the Brill Building at 1619 Broadway, which was packed with songwriters who pitched their musical products to hit-seeking record labels. Midtown was also Manhattan’s primary entertainment district, where popular and highbrow fare could be enjoyed in Broadway theaters, Radio City Music Hall, and Carnegie Hall. Additionally, the area had several large movie palaces, such as the Bryant Theatre on Forty-Second Street.

From the Introduction of The Downtown Pop Underground — order online, or from a local independent bookstore